Mythic Monday: Back to School
Back to School
Where did the summer go? Locally, the kids are going back to school this week. In some places, they’ve already been attending for a while. Does Mythoversal have a place in the classroom? Maybe.
I’m available for virtual classroom visits to discuss my writing. These include the Becoming Hercules serial and poetic retellings of the Epic Cycle as well as my sporty sci-fi novel series, Galaxy Games.
In my spare time, I’m working on curricular material to supplement units on mythology with a focus on the multicultural roots of mythology and its spread and adaptation among numerous regional cultures.
Mythoversal is working to broaden representation in classical tales by amplifying historically marginalized identities and restoring traditions erased by centuries of gatekeeping. But because I’m primarily a writer, and not a scholar or educator, I’m going to need some help in advancing the mission of Mythoversal into the classroom.
If you’re interested in how you can help Mythoversal, or how Mythoversal can help your students, let me know.
More on Working with Amazon
In my last newsletter, I wrote:
I was never expecting big bucks from my Kindle Vella serial. If I were only in it for the money, I could have made more in ten minutes with a “WILL READ STORIES FOR CASH” sign and an overturned hat.
Working with Amazon has been like hiring a trained monkey to carry my hat around while begging strangers to purchase and redeem Banana Tokens for a peek over my shoulder at the words on my screen. Then, at the end of the day, learning that the monkey just bought himself a gold-plated yacht and is off to the Azores. Then, for months after that, waiting for the monkey’s accounting firm to exchange that hat full of worthless Banana Tokens for an actual check.
Hours after my essay went live, Amazon sent out an email offering bonuses to Vella authors. I don’t think this sudden generosity had anything to do with my rant, but who can say?
Vella authors are yoked together with Amazon as partners in this serial fiction venture. We’re not equal partners, since Amazon has the stronger bargaining position and can dictate terms in its own favor, but we do have some power. We are the manufacturers, our stories are the products, and Amazon operates one possible distribution channel in a marketplace of distribution channels. Keeping us happily producing content is necessary to their business plan.
The announcement of bonuses was a major milestone. It was the first instance where Amazon did something to benefit Vella authors that it wasn't contractually obligated to do. But if they think tossing a few bucks our way is going to win our loyalty as customers of their distribution channel—yeah, they’re probably right. Personally, I'm more loyal to Kindle Vella now that I have a bonus listed on my dashboard, and I’ll be even more loyal in a month or two when that bonus hits my bank account.
But the cynic in me recognizes that Amazon is expecting to receive a long-term benefit that's greater than the sum of all bonuses granted, and has budgeted for them accordingly. That's just more good business sense on their part. It's what got them where they are today.
—Greg R. Fishbone, Mythology Disruptor
Mythoversal brings inclusion to Greek mythology by broadening representation, amplifying marginalized identities, and reversing centuries of gatekeeping and erasure.
Our entry point to Mythoversal Hellas is the multicultural city of Thebes, where we disrupt and deconstruct Greek, Hellenic, Roman, and Byzantine sources to create a mythic environment that's inclusive, inviting, and relevant. This is the setting for Becoming Hercules, which provides a window into the past and a mirror for today. Non-US readers, click here for an Access Guide to learn about Amazon’s location-gated content restrictions and how to bypass them.