Mythic Monday: Multicultural Thebes
For thousands of years, classical mythology has described the mythical-era city of Thebes as a multicultural melting pot
Welcome to new subscribers! You’ve come to Mythoversal at an exciting time. A new short story, Hercules Meets His Match, is now available and initial episodes of the upcoming serial, Becoming Hercules, will release in a matter of weeks.
Becoming Hercules is set in Mythoversal Thebes. For thousands of years, classical mythology has described this mythical-era kingdom as a multicultural melting pot, starting from its founding by Cadmus, a prince from the Levant, and his new bride, Harmonia, who met and married Cadmus during his visit to her native island of Samothrace.
With the death of Laius, the last king in the Cadmeian Dynasty, the monarchy fell to Oedipus, an adventurer who fled his homeland of Corinth after receiving an ominous prophecy. His queen was Iocaste, who descended from the dragon-blooded Spartoi.
Among the residents of Thebes were the Mainads, whose ancestors followed the wine god, Dionysos, from the Vedic lands far to the east. The Theban army was managed by General Amphytrion, who arrived as an exile from Mycenae. Amphitryon and his wife both traced their roots to Ethiopian royalty.
Mythoversal Thebes is not a perfect place. There are tensions, inequalities, and injustices. It’s a patriarchy to the extreme. It’s a slave-owning society. And sometimes, a sphynx perches at the city gate and kills everyone who tries to enter.
Each resident of Mythoversal Thebes must decide for themself how to navigate the challenges particular to their homeland, just like people still must do in the modern world. I’m enjoying the challenge of setting a story in Mythoversal Thebes, and I hope you will enjoy reading it.
—Greg R. Fishbone, Author of Disrupted Mythology
Mythoversal is dedicated to broadening representation in classical tales by amplifying historically marginalized identities and restoring traditions erased by centuries of gatekeeping.
Our entry point into the Mythoverse is the land of Mythoversal Hellas, where we disrupt and deconstruct Greek, Hellenic, Roman, and Byzantine sources to create a mythic environment that's inclusive, inviting, and relevant. The setting provides a window into the past and a mirror for today.
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